Certification of Personal Power of Attorney (توثيق وكالات شخصية)
General Power of Attorney for IraqA Power of Attorney gives someone the right to dispose all of the property dealing. |
الوكالة العامةهي الوكالة التى تخول شخص ما حق التصرف في كافة ممتلكات الموكل |
Litigation Power of Attorney for IraqA power of Attorney assigns someone to act on behalf of the client in all public and private Iraqi Courts, including his right to file Lawsuits and Lawsuit Avoidance. It is limited to a certain period included in the Special Power of Attorney. |
Sale Power of Attorney for IraqThe Client appoints someone to act on his behalf in the sale of specific property, within a specified period included in the Special Power of Attorney. |
وكالة خاصة للبيعيعين الموكل شخص ما ليتصرف نيابة عنه في بيع بعض الممتلكات خلال فترة زمنية معينة مذكورة فى الوكالة |
Pension Power of Attorney for IraqThe client authorizes someone to review the National Board of Pension on his behalf and to complete all the Retirement Transaction for the client. |
وكالة خاصة بالراتب التقاعدييفوض الموكل شخص ما ليراجع الهيئة الوطنية للتقاعد نيابة عنه ولأتمام جميع معاملات التقاعد |
Nationality affairs Power of Attorney for IraqA Power of Attorney entitles someone to review Nationality Directorate and Civil Status Directory on behalf of the client. |
وكالة خاصة بشئوون الجنسيةهي الوكالة الخاصة التي تعين شخص ما لمراجعة مديرية شئون الجنسية والأحوال المدنية نيابة عن الموكل |
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